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Danger at Dead Man’s Pass is the fourth book in the Adventures on Trains series written by MG Leonard and Sam Sedgman. The train in this story is a steam tank engine. The setting takes place in present-day Europe. From a third-person point of view, this mystery fiction is part of the paranormal young adult section. The theme of the Adventures on Trains books is solving mysteries and making friends.

My Take On Danger at Dead Man’s Pass

The mystery adventure of this books is about figuring out if the witch at Dead Man’s Pass is real, and if that had anything to do with a family member’s strange death. The book starts when Hal is getting out of football practice. It was a dark and foggy evening. Then, out of the fog came a dark figure. Thankfully, it ended up being Uncle Nat. Hal ran into his arms and Uncle Nat tells Hal that he is taking him on another adventure to help solve a mystery.

After walking home, Nat reads him a letter and some of Uncle Nat’s friends need help solving the mysterious death of a friend. Hal is surprised that they are leaving the next day. Uncle Nat tells Hal that they have a long ride to get to their destination across Europe and into Berlin through Dead Man’s Pass.

My favorite parts were the mystery story and when they were riding the train towards Dead Man’s Pass. All while they were trying to figure out if there was really a witch. There are neat illustrations like the train exploding. It was also exciting getting to meet more of Uncle Nat and Hal’s family.

This book is great for readers in that middle school level who love trains and mysteries. Check out Danger at Dead Man’s Pass Here on Amazon.

Looking for other books? Check out my other reviews on Adventures on Trains and Impossible Places.

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